Useful Contacts
Our Councillors
Jo Mowat (Con) Tel: 0131 529 4077
Finlay McFarlane (SNP) Tel: 0131 529 3249
Claire Miller (Green) Tel: 0131 529 4396
Margaret Graham (Lab)
Our MSP:
Angus Robertson (SNP) Tel:0131 348 5125
Our MP:
Tommy Sheppard (SNP) Tel: 0131 661 8023
Council services
Use to report problems from overflowing bins to broken
street lights. Do not use Twitter as the Council only uses this to share information.
If you do not have access to the internet ring the Council switchboard on 0131 200 2000 and
they will redirect you or try 0131 608 1100.
Anti-social behaviour
To report anti-social behaviour including busking:
Ring the police on 101. They may not have the time to come out and deal with the problem
but they log all calls which helps them to identify issues for future action.
Call the Council on 0131 529 7050
Noisy neighbours
Ring the police on 101
Planning applications
web/ Application for details of planning applications
and decisions. If your property is adjacent to the site under consideration, you will
automatically receive notification from the Council. A notice of planning applications is also
placed on or nearby the property concerned.
Other organisations
Edinburgh Old Town Community Council represents local people’s views on issues from
planning to health. Contact
Edinburgh Council organises some services like refuse collection and community safety
through Locality Offices. The South East Locality covers the City Centre. Contact Tel: 0131
529 5151
Edinburgh Old Town Development Trust is a resident led organisation developing projects in
education, heritage, publishing and the provision of a community space. Website Email
Grassmarket Community Project: Hosts a great range of public events, with something for everyone. Their friendly team love welcoming people through their doors, sharing their warm hospitality and fantastic venues. Through their award-winning social enterprise, these events and activities help support the Project’s essential work supporting some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable citizens. https// Tel: 0131 225 3626